
Egresado IMSE responsable ams Osram
Un egresado del IMSE, entre los responsables de la innovación de la imagen médica de nuestro país

Rafael Serrano-Gotarredonda, quién realizara su doctorado en el IMSE (2007) será el nuevo responsable de un equipo de diseño de circuitos integrados para imágenes médicas que va a ser creado por la multinacional ams-Osram en Valencia como centro de soluciones de la compañía a nivel mundial.
11 Septiembre 2024


IMSE Curso Verano UIMP
Miembros del IMSE hablan sobre la Ciencia de Datos en Santander

Piedad Brox y Adrián Estrada acudieron a esta cita con la innovación para aportar su visión sobre una de las disciplinas claves en la investigación científica.
30 Agosto 2024


IMSE Revista Nature
El IMSE, presente una vez más en la revista Nature

Desde el Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla nos complace anunciar la reciente publicación de la mano de la prestigiosa revista Nature Communications Engineering del artículo titulado "A tunable multi-timescale Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide thin-film transistor neuron towards hybrid solutions for spiking neuromorphic applications" al que han contribuido investigadores de nuestro Centro.
22 Agosto 2024


Simposio ARC 2025
El Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla organiza el XXI Simposio Internacional sobre Computación Reconfigurable Aplicada ARC 2025

El evento tendrá lugar del 9 al 11 de abril en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Sevilla (ESTII).
22 Agosto 2024


Dataset EDB Digital CSIC
Un investigador del IMSE entre los autores de uno de los mayores datasets de Digital CSIC

Gustavo Liñán-Cembrano, investigador del IMSE, figura como principal investigador y ha sido el responsable de la parte tecnológica de un dataset con cerca de un millón de imágenes.
10 Julio 2024


Curso Verano UIMP
Abierto el plazo de matriculación para el curso de verano de la UIMP "Los datos en investigación: retos y oportunidades"

La formación tendrá lugar los días 26, 27 y 28 de agosto en la Península de la Magdalena, Santander.
5 Julio 2024



Nueva Directora del IMSE-CNM

La investigadora del IMSE Teresa Serrano Gotarredona ha sido nombrada nueva Directora del Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla.


Formación en el IMSE

- Doctorado
- Máster
- Grados
- Trabajos Fin de Grado
- Prácticas en Empresa


Publicaciones recientes

A Review of Ising Machines Implemented in Conventional and Emerging Technologies
T. Zhang, Q. Tao, B. Liu, A. Grimaldi, E. Raimondo, M. Jiménez, M.J. Avedillo, J. Núñez, B. Linares-Barranco, T. Serrano-Gotarredona, G. Finocchio and Jie Han
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (Early Access), 2024
IEEE    ISSN: 1536-125X
resumen      doi      

Ising machines have received growing interest as efficient and hardware-friendly solvers for combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). They search for the absolute or approximate ground states of the Ising model with a proper annealing process. In contrast to Ising machines built with superconductive or optical circuits, complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) Ising machines offer inexpensive fabrication, high scalability, and easy integration with mainstream semiconductor chips. As low-energy and CMOS-compatible emerging technologies, spintronics and pase-transition devices offer functionalities that can enhance the scalability and sampling performance of Ising machines. In this article, we survey various approaches in the process flow for solving COPs using CMOS, hybrid CMOSspintronic, and phase-transition devices. First, the methods for formulating COPs as Ising problems and embedding Ising formulations to the topology of the Ising machine are reviewed. Then, Ising machines are classified by their underlying operational principles and reviewed from a perspective of hardware implementation. CMOS solutions are advantageous with denser connectivity, whereas hybrid CMOS-spintronic and phase-transition device-based solutions show great potential in energy efficiency and high performance. Finally, the challenges and prospects are discussed for the Ising formulation, embedding process, and implementation of Ising machines.

Hardware-Efficient Configurable Ring-Oscillator-Based Physical Unclonable Function/True Random Number Generator Module for Secure Key Management
S. Sánchez-Solano, L.F. Rojas-Muñoz, M.C. Martínez-Rodríguez and P. Brox
Journal Paper · Sensors, vol. 24, no. 17, article 5674, 2024
MDPI    ISSN: 1424-8220
resumen      doi      

The use of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) linked to the manufacturing process of the electronic devices supporting applications that exchange critical data over the Internet has made these elements essential to guarantee the authenticity of said devices, as well as the confidentiality and integrity of the information they process or transmit. This paper describes the development of a configurable PUF/TRNG module based on ring oscillators (ROs) that takes full advantage of the structure of modern programmable devices offered by Xilinx 7 Series families. The proposed architecture improves the hardware efficiency with two main objectives. On the one hand, we perform an exhaustive statistical characterization of the results derived from the exploitation of RO configurability. On the other hand, we undertake the development of a new version of the module that requires a smaller amount of resources while considerably increasing the number of output bits compared to other proposals previously reported in the literature. The design as a highly parameterized intellectual property (IP) module connectable through a standard interface to a soft- or hard-core general-purpose processor greatly facilitates its integration into embedded solutions while accelerating the validation and characterization of this element on the same electronic device that implements it. The studies carried out reveal adequate values of reliability, uniqueness, and unpredictability when the module acts as a PUF, as well as acceptable levels of randomness and entropy when it acts as a true random number generator (TRNG). They also illustrate the ability to obfuscate and recover identifiers or cryptographic keys of up to 4096 bits using an implementation of the PUF/TRNG module that requires only an array of 4×4 configurable logic blocks (CLBs) to accommodate the RO bank.

Full Open-Source Implementation of an Academic RISC-V on FPGA
P. Navarro-Torrero, M.C. Martínez-Rodríguez, A. Barriga-Barros and P. Brox
Journal Paper · 2024 XVI Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE)
IEEE    ISSN: 2766-2616
resumen      doi      

In alignment with the ethos of openness and democracy inherent in the RISC-V architecture, our research endeavors have been directed towards the utilization of open-source tools for the implementation of a simple but didactic RISC-V processor denoted as ASTIRV32I. The paper discusses the design strategies, memory mapping, physical verification procedures, and performance evaluation of the ASTIRV32I processor. Furthermore, it highlights the successful validation of the implemented design through the execution of fundamental algorithms, exemplifying the practicality and viability of the RISC-V-based processor design and serving as a proof-of-concept for open-source FPGA design.

Digital Design Flow Based on Open Tools for Programmable Logic Devices
P. Navarro-Torrero, L.F. Rojas-Muñoz, M.C. Martínez-Rodríguez, A. Barriga-Barros, C.J. Jiménez-Fernández, M. Brox and P. Brox
Journal Paper · 2024 XVI Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE)
IEEE    ISSN: 2766-2616
resumen      doi      

In this demonstrator, a design flow based on a set of open-source tools is showcased, enabling the simulation, synthesis, implementation, and programming of digital systems on programmable logic devices. Three academic examples, increasing in complexity, are shown running on open hardware development boards to demonstrate the validity of the digital design flow based on the APIO environment.


Video institucional del IMSE

Qué hacemos en el IMSE

El área de especialización del Instituto es el diseño de circuitos integrados analógicos y de señal mixta en tecnología CMOS, así como su uso en diferentes contextos de aplicación tales como dispositivos biomédicos, comunicaciones inalámbricas, conversión de datos, sensores de visión inteligentes, ciberseguridad, computación neuromórfica y tecnología espacial.

La plantilla del IMSE-CNM está formada por unas cien personas, entre personal científico y de apoyo, que participan en el avance del conocimiento, la generación de diseños de alto nivel científico-técnico y la transferencia de tecnología.


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