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Autor: David Martín Sánchez
Año: Desde 2002

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Exploiting randomly distributed pores in photonic structures for security applications to create hardware-based digital identity
D. Martín-Sánchez and P. Brox
Conference · NanoSpain Conf 2024, Tarragona, España

In the 2024 edition, the conference will strength collaborations with the COST network Netpore in the field of porous semiconductors and oxides. The intersection of nanoSpain2024 and the thematic network COST will encourage collaborative dialogues and the initiation of potential partnerships between researchers and industry professionals. More info at


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  • Revistas592
  • Congresos1172
  • Libros30
  • Capítulos de libros81
  • Otros9
  • 202413
  • 202335
  • 202281
  • 202183
  • 2020103
  • 201977
  • 2018106
  • 2017111
  • 2016104
  • 2015111
  • 2014104
  • 201380
  • 2012108
  • 2011102
  • 2010120
  • 200977
  • 200867
  • 200770
  • 200665
  • 200578
  • 200468
  • 200362
  • 200259