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Autor: Daniel Martín Fernández
Año: Desde 2002

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Effects of Electrical Fields on Neuroblastoma (N2A) Cell Differentiation: Preliminary Results
D. Martin-Fernández, P. Pérez-García, M.E. Martín, P. Daza, J.A. Serrano-Viseas, G. Huertas and A. Yúfera
Conference · International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices BIODEVICES 2021

This work describes Electrical Stimulations (ES) assays on stem cells. The neuroblastoma (N2A) cell linage was submitted to several electrical fields to enable and enhance its differentiation toward neurons. Both Direct Current (DC) and Alternated Current (AC) time dependent electric field protocols were applied to N2A cell culture under differentiation conditions, obtaining different responses. Control and electrically excited samples’ number of differentiated cells and neurite lengths were measure after differentiation. Results showed that DC fields have a strong influence on N2A differentiation since the percentage of differentiated cells and the neurites lengths were the highest. In addition, a significant alignment of neurites measured with the applied electrical field has been detected, which demonstrates the high sensitivity of differentiation processes to electrical field polarity.


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