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Autor: Hamidreza Erfanijazi
Año: Desde 2002

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Novel programmable single pulse generator for producing pulse widths in different time scales
H. Erfanijazi, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing CBMI 2021

A novel programmable single pulse generator for producing a pulse in different time scales and amplitudes is presented in this paper to drive integrate-and-fire neuron circuits. The proposed circuit generates pulses with controlled variable width from 1.3ns up to several milliseconds that coincide with a wide range of binary and analog memristor applications. The designed pulse generator is intended as a tool to precisely control the amount of charge injected in memristors devices so that precise characterization of the memristors can be done without using external controlling circuitry. Furthermore, a much finer precision in the control of total injected charge can be achieved using the proposed technique. The proposed single pulse generator has been designed in XFAB 0.35µm technology to characterize the properties of memristors.


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